In order to qualify for a summer internship you must:
1. Be a current Junior or Senior
2. Have a valid Driver's License or ID
3. Have access to reliable transportation
4. Have a checking account in YOUR NAME before starting work.
4. Have a resume. See Mr. Davis if you need help with your resume.
5. After applying, you MUST attend the Mock Interviews at a date that will be later determined.
2025 Internship Timeline
Internship Posted-
(Application period)
March 25 : Student Professional Business Training Seminar
April 4th: Networking Interviews
April 3rd - April 14th: Interview with a potential employer (you will receive your interview date/time from Mr. Davis if the employer selects you to interview)
April 22: Am I Hired? (This is the day students will find out if they are chosen for the internship)
May 11th: Internship Connect Day for students chosen for an internship
June 6-June 30: Internship Work Days
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Internship Job Descriptions
The City of Mobile is offering internships in various fields with over 350 job openings!
Click on the STEP Flyer 2021 for additional information to apply!